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File: database.sql

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  Classes of Enrico Sola   Tiny PHP Cache Class   database.sql   Download  
File: database.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Tiny PHP Cache Class
Store and retrieve data in several cache container
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 780 bytes



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-- Create the main table that will contain all cache entries, fields: -- namespace: A string containing the anmespace for key grouping, if no namespace were given, "*" is used. -- key: A string containing the identifier of the entry. -- value: The value that has been pushed into the cache serialized as JSON string. -- numeric: If set to "1" it means that the value stored within the element is a numeric value and can be incremented and decemented, otherwise is not. -- date: The date when the entry has been pushed into the cache. -- expire: The date when the entry must be removed, NULL is the element has no expire. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cache_storage (namespace TEXT, key TEXT, value TEXT, numeric INTEGER, date DATETIME, expire DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (namespace, key));