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File: phpcs.xml

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File: phpcs.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WP_Plugin-Info
Retrieve WordPress plugin information values
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 19,257 bytes



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<?xml version="1.0"?> <ruleset name="WordPress"> <description>WordPress Coding Standards</description> <autoload>./vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs/WordPress/PHPCSAliases.php</autoload> <!-- Treat all files as UTF-8. --> <config name="encoding" value="utf-8"/> <!-- Default tab width for indentation fixes and such. --> <arg name="tab-width" value="4"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Single and Double Quotes. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Use single and double quotes when appropriate. If you're not evaluating anything in the string, use single quotes. --> <rule ref="Squiz.Strings.DoubleQuoteUsage"/> <rule ref="Squiz.Strings.DoubleQuoteUsage.ContainsVar"> <severity>0</severity> </rule> <!-- Rule: Text that goes into attributes should be run through esc_attr(). --> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Indentation. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Your indentation should always reflect logical structure. --> <rule ref="Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent"> <properties> <property name="exact" value="false"/> <property name="indent" value="4"/> <property name="tabIndent" value="true"/> <property name="ignoreIndentationTokens" type="array" value="T_HEREDOC,T_NOWDOC,T_INLINE_HTML"/> </properties> </rule> <rule ref="WordPress.Arrays.ArrayIndentation"/> <!-- Covers rule: Use real tabs and not spaces. --> <rule ref="Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowSpaceIndent"/> <rule ref="WordPress.WhiteSpace.PrecisionAlignment"/> <!-- Generic array layout check. --> <!-- Covers rule: For associative arrays, values should start on a new line. Also covers various single-line array whitespace issues. --> <rule ref="WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing"/> <!-- Covers rule: Note the comma after the last array item: this is recommended. --> <rule ref="WordPress.Arrays.CommaAfterArrayItem"/> <!-- Covers rule: For switch structures case should indent one tab from the switch statement and break one tab from the case statement. --> <rule ref="PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration"> <!-- Prevent duplicate messages for the same issue. Covered by other sniffs. --> <exclude name="PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.NotLower"/> <exclude name="PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.BreakNotNewLine"/> <exclude name="PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.BodyOnNextLine"/> </rule> <!-- Covers rule: ... while spaces can be used mid-line for alignment. --> <rule ref="WordPress.WhiteSpace.DisallowInlineTabs"/> <!-- Implied through the examples: align the assignment operator in a block of assignments. --> <rule ref="Generic.Formatting.MultipleStatementAlignment"> <properties> <property name="maxPadding" value="40"/> </properties> </rule> <!-- Implied through the examples: align the double arrows. --> <rule ref="WordPress.Arrays.MultipleStatementAlignment"> <properties> <property name="maxColumn" value="60"/> </properties> </rule> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Brace Style. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Braces shall be used for all blocks. --> <rule ref="Squiz.ControlStructures.ControlSignature"/> <!-- Covers rule: Braces should always be used, even when they are not required. --> <rule ref="Generic.ControlStructures.InlineControlStructure"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Use elseif, not else if. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <rule ref="PSR2.ControlStructures.ElseIfDeclaration"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Regular Expressions. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Perl compatible regular expressions should be used in preference to their POSIX counterparts. --> <rule ref="WordPress.PHP.POSIXFunctions"/> <!-- Rule: Never use the /e switch, use preg_replace_callback instead. --> <!-- Rule: It's most convenient to use single-quoted strings for regular expressions. Already covered by Squiz.Strings.DoubleQuoteUsage --> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Opening and Closing PHP Tags. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: When embedding multi-line PHP snippets within a HTML block, the PHP open and close tags must be on a line by themselves. --> <rule ref="Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp"> <exclude name="Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp.SpacingBefore"/> <exclude name="Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp.Indent"/> <exclude name="Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp.OpenTagIndent"/> <exclude name="Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp.SpacingAfter"/> </rule> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - No Shorthand PHP Tags. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Never use shorthand PHP start tags. Always use full PHP tags. --> <rule ref="Generic.PHP.DisallowShortOpenTag"/> <rule ref="Generic.PHP.DisallowAlternativePHPTags"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Remove Trailing Spaces. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Remove trailing whitespace at the end of each line of code. --> <rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.SuperfluousWhitespace"/> <!-- Covers rule: Omitting the closing PHP tag at the end of a file is preferred. --> <rule ref="PSR2.Files.ClosingTag"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Space Usage. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Always put spaces after commas, and on both sides of logical, comparison, string and assignment operators. --> <rule ref="WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing"/> <rule ref="Squiz.Strings.ConcatenationSpacing"> <properties> <property name="spacing" value="1"/> <property name="ignoreNewlines" value="true"/> </properties> </rule> <!-- Covers rule: Put spaces on both sides of the opening and closing parenthesis of if, elseif, foreach, for, and switch blocks. --> <rule ref="WordPress.WhiteSpace.ControlStructureSpacing"/> <!-- Covers rule: Define a function like so: function my_function( $param1 = 'foo', $param2 = 'bar' ) { --> <rule ref="Generic.Functions.OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchie"> <properties> <property name="checkClosures" value="true"/> </properties> </rule> <rule ref="Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing"> <properties> <property name="equalsSpacing" value="1"/> <property name="requiredSpacesAfterOpen" value="1"/> <property name="requiredSpacesBeforeClose" value="1"/> </properties> <exclude name="Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing.SpacingBeforeClose"/> </rule> <!-- Covers rule: Call a function, like so: my_function( $param1, func_param( $param2 ) ); --> <rule ref="PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature"> <properties> <property name="requiredSpacesAfterOpen" value="1"/> <property name="requiredSpacesBeforeClose" value="1"/> </properties> </rule> <rule ref="PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature.ContentAfterOpenBracket"> <severity phpcs-only="true">0</severity> </rule> <rule ref="PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature.CloseBracketLine"> <severity phpcs-only="true">0</severity> </rule> <!-- Related to issue #970 / --> <rule ref="WordPress.Functions.FunctionCallSignatureNoParams"/> <rule ref="Generic.Functions.FunctionCallArgumentSpacing"/> <!-- Rule: Perform logical comparisons, like so: if ( ! $foo ) { --> <!-- Covers rule: When type casting, do it like so: $foo = (boolean) $bar; --> <rule ref="Generic.Formatting.SpaceAfterCast"/> <rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.CastSpacing"/> <rule ref="WordPress.WhiteSpace.CastStructureSpacing"/> <!-- Covers rule: ... array items, only include a space around the index if it is a variable. --> <rule ref="WordPress.Arrays.ArrayKeySpacingRestrictions"/> <!-- Rule: In a switch block, there must be no space before the colon for a case statement. --> <!-- Covered by the PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration sniff. --> <!-- Rule: Similarly, there should be no space before the colon on return type declarations. --> <!-- Covers rule: Unless otherwise specified, parentheses should have spaces inside of them. --> <!-- Duplicate of upstream. Should defer to upstream version once minimum PHPCS requirement has gone up. --> <rule ref="WordPress.WhiteSpace.ArbitraryParenthesesSpacing"> <properties> <property name="spacingInside" value="1"/> <property name="ignoreNewlines" value="true"/> </properties> </rule> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Database Queries. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Avoid touching the database directly. --> <rule ref="WordPress.DB.RestrictedFunctions"/> <rule ref="WordPress.DB.RestrictedClasses"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Naming Conventions. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: Use lowercase letters in variable, action, and function names. Separate words via underscores. --> <!-- <rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName"/> --> <rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName"/> <rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName"/> <!-- Covers rule: Class names should use capitalized words separated by underscores. --> <rule ref="PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidClassName"/> <!-- Covers rule: Constants should be in all upper-case with underscores separating words. --> <rule ref="Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName"/> <!-- Covers rule: Files should be named descriptively using lowercase letters. Hyphens should separate words. --> <!-- Covers rule: Class file names should be based on the class name with "class-" prepended and the underscores in the class name replaced with hyphens. --> <!-- Covers rule: Files containing template tags in wp-includes should have "-template" appended to the end of the name. --> <rule ref="WordPress.Files.FileName"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Self-Explanatory Flag Values for Function Arguments. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Interpolation for Naming Dynamic Hooks. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Rule: Dynamic hooks should be named using interpolation rather than concatenation. --> <!-- Rule: Variables used in hook tags should be wrapped in curly braces { and }, with the complete outer tag name wrapped in double quotes. --> <!-- Rule: Where possible, dynamic values in tag names should also be as succinct and to the point as possible. --> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Ternary Operator. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Rule: Always have Ternaries test if the statement is true, not false. An exception would be using ! empty(), as testing for false here is generally more intuitive. --> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Yoda Conditions. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Covers rule: When doing logical comparisons, always put the variable on the right side, constants or literals on the left. --> <rule ref="WordPress.PHP.YodaConditions"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - Clever Code. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!-- Rule: In general, readability is more important than cleverness or brevity. --> <rule ref="Squiz.PHP.DisallowMultipleAssignments"/> <rule ref="Generic.Formatting.DisallowMultipleStatements"/> <!-- Rule: In a switch statement... If a case contains a block, then falls through to the next block, this must be explicitly commented. --> <!-- Covered by the PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration sniff. --> <!-- Rule: The goto statement must never be used. --> <!-- Duplicate of upstream. Should defer to upstream version once minimum PHPCS requirement has gone up. --> <rule ref="WordPress.PHP.DiscourageGoto"/> <rule ref="WordPress.PHP.DiscourageGoto.Found"> <type>error</type> <message>The "goto" language construct should not be used.</message> </rule> <!-- Rule: The eval() construct is very dangerous, and is impossible to secure. ... these must not be used. --> <rule ref="Squiz.PHP.Eval"/> <rule ref="Squiz.PHP.Eval.Discouraged"> <type>error</type> <message>eval() is a security risk so not allowed.</message> </rule> <!-- Rule: create_function() function, which internally performs an eval(), is deprecated in PHP 7.2. Both of these must not be used. --> <rule ref="WordPress.PHP.RestrictedPHPFunctions"/> <!-- ############################################################################# Handbook: PHP - (No) Error Control Operator @. Ref: ############################################################################# --> <!--<rule ref="Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors"/>--> <!-- ############################################################################# Not in the handbook: Generic sniffs. ############################################################################# --> <!-- Important to prevent issues with content being sent before headers. --> <rule ref="Generic.Files.ByteOrderMark"/> <!-- All line endings should be \n. --> <rule ref="Generic.Files.LineEndings"> <properties> <property name="eolChar" value="\n"/> </properties> </rule> <!-- All files should end with a new line. --> <rule ref="Generic.Files.EndFileNewline"/> <!-- No whitespace should come before semicolons. --> <!-- Extends upstream sniff. Should defer to upstream version once minimum PHPCS requirement has gone up to version containing bugfix. --> <rule ref="WordPress.WhiteSpace.SemicolonSpacing"/> <!-- Lowercase PHP constants, like true, false and null. --> <!-- --> <rule ref="Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant"/> <!-- Lowercase PHP keywords, like class, function and case. --> <rule ref="Generic.PHP.LowerCaseKeyword"/> <!-- Class opening braces should be on the same line as the statement. --> <rule ref="Generic.Classes.OpeningBraceSameLine"/> <!-- Object operators should not have whitespace around them unless they are multi-line. --> <rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.ObjectOperatorSpacing"> <properties> <property name="ignoreNewlines" value="true"/> </properties> </rule> <!-- References to self in a class should be lower-case and not have extraneous spaces, per implicit conventions in the core codebase; the NotUsed code refers to using the fully-qualified class name instead of self, for which there are instances in core. --> <rule ref="Squiz.Classes.SelfMemberReference"/> <rule ref="Squiz.Classes.SelfMemberReference.NotUsed"> <severity>0</severity> </rule> <!-- ############################################################################# Not in the coding standard handbook: WP specific sniffs. Ref: (limited info) Ref: (more extensive) ############################################################################# --> <!-- Check for correct usage of the WP i18n functions. --> <rule ref="WordPress.WP.I18n"/> <!-- Check for correct spelling of WordPress. --> <rule ref="WordPress.WP.CapitalPDangit"/> <exclude-pattern>node_modules</exclude-pattern> <exclude-pattern>vendor</exclude-pattern> </ruleset>