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File: autoscroll.php

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File: autoscroll.php
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Description: Child class with auto page scroll behavior
Class: PageNavigator
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Date: 22 years ago
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<?php /** * PageNavigator_AutoScroll is a class for creating page views that * scroll automatically while the user navigates through the PageNavigator. * The view starts out with the minimum number of pages. When the user * gets closer to the right edge, the view adjusts itself so that * the current page is in the center of the view. The closer he gets to * the right edge, the more pages he sees on the screen. The maximum amount * of pages is settable via object's methods. * This is used by, and many other search engines. * * @author Stanislav Okhvat <> * @version $Id: PageNavigator_AutoScroll.php,v 1.00 2002/02/20 11:40:00 stasokhvat Exp $ * @package PageNavigator_AutoScroll * @access public */ class PageNavigator_AutoScroll extends PageNavigator { /** * Minimum number of pages to show within set of pages * * @var integer * @access private */ var $min_pages_per_set = 10; /** * Maximum pages to show within set of pages * * @var integer * @access private */ var $max_pages_per_set = 20; /** * How many pages to show to either side of the active page. * Default is to center within the set (-1). * * @var integer * @access private */ var $show_side_pages; /** * Constructor. Initializes the PageNavigator_AutoScroll object with the * most important properties. * * @param integer current page number * @param integer number of records per one page * @param integer total records. May be initialized later. * @param integer minimum number of pages displayed per one set. * @param integer maximum number of pages displayed per one set. * @param integer number of pages to show to the right of * the current page. The default is -1, i.e. center the * current page in the view. Setting this property will * override the default behaviour. * @return void * @access public */ function PageNavigator_AutoScroll($current_page=0, $records_per_page=15, $total_records=0, $min_pages_per_set=10, $max_pages_per_set=20, $show_side_pages=-1, $query_vars='') { PageNavigator::PageNavigator($current_page, $records_per_page, $total_records, $query_vars); $this->min_pages_per_set = $min_pages_per_set; $this->max_pages_per_set = $max_pages_per_set; $this->setSidePageNum($show_side_pages); } // end func /* SidePageNum */ function setSidePageNum($show_side_pages) { if ($show_side_pages == -1 || $show_side_pages > ceil($this->max_pages_per_set / 2)) { // auto-center active page within set. Calculate. $show_side_pages = ceil($this->max_pages_per_set / 2); } $this->show_side_pages = $show_side_pages; } function getSidePageNum() { return $this->show_side_pages; } function preCalculateParameters() { // 1. Calculate total pages $this->totalpages = $this->getTotalPages(); // 2. If we are on the first page, the first record is 1 and the last is min_pages_per_set (assuming it does not exceed pages returned) if ($this->current_page == 1) { $this->startpage = 1; $this->endpage = ($this->min_pages_per_set > $this->totalpages ? $this->totalpages : $this->min_pages_per_set); } else { // 3. End page if we are not on first page $endpage = $this->current_page + $this->show_side_pages; if ($endpage < $this->min_pages_per_set) { $endpage = $this->min_pages_per_set; } $this->endpage = ($endpage >= $this->totalpages ? $this->totalpages : $endpage); // 4. Start page if we are not on first page $startpage = $this->endpage - $this->max_pages_per_set + 1; $this->startpage = ($startpage <= 0 ? 1 : $startpage); } return true; } function render() { // do not allow to proceed if not initialized correctly if ($this->total_records == 0) { return false; } // HEADER $output = $this->formatHeader(); // GET INITIAL VARS $this->preCalculateParameters(); // calculate totalpages, startpage, endpage // CACHE QUERY STRING STRIPPED OF VARIABLES NEEDED BY THIS CLASS $this->setProcessedQueryString(); // first generate all cells containing links to various pages $pages = ''; for ($int = $this->startpage; $int <= $this->endpage; $int++) { $pages .= ( ($int == $this->current_page) ? $this->formatActivePage($int) : $this->formatPage($int) ); } // LINK TO PREVIOUS PAGE if ($this->current_page > 1) { $prevpage = $this->formatMovePrevious($this->current_page - 1); } else { $prevpage = $this->empty_cell; } // LINK TO NEXT PAGE if ($this->current_page < $this->totalpages) { $nextpage = $this->formatMoveNext($this->current_page + 1); } else { $nextpage = $this->empty_cell; } // RENDER PAGE NAVIGATION VIEW $output .= $prevpage.$pages.$nextpage; // ADD TABLE FOOTER $output .= $this->formatFooter(); return $output; } // end func render } // end class PageNavigator_AutoScroll ?>