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File: admin_class.php

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File: admin_class.php
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Content type: text/plain
Description: core class
Class: Admin Module
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 6,465 bytes



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<? //////////////////////////////////////////// // Admin Module class // //////////////////////////////////////////// // Written by // // this is to be used in conjunction with // // mysql_db class for database calls // //////////////////////////////////////////// class admin { var $img_upload; // Constructor //function admin($host, $db, $user, $pass, $img_fname='',$img_path='',$img_url='') { function admin() { global $img_upload; if ($img_upload == 1) { global $img_fname; global $img_path; global $img_url; // Set all of the image vars locally in this class $this->img_fname = $img_fname; $this->img_path = $img_path; $this->img_url = $img_url; $this->img_upload = 1; } else { echo "Img upload not enabled<br>\n"; $this->img_upload = 0; } db_connect(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADD Function // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // $table : table to edit data in. // // $form_fields : field values from the form // /////////////////////////////////////////////// function add($table, $form_fields) { // Enter IF img_up is true if ($this->img_upload == 1) { // First Upload file, If applicable if ($form_fields[$this->img_fname] != 'none') { // Uploads image and returns unique filename $form_fields[$this->img_fname] = $this->img_upload(); if ($form_fields[$this->img_fname] == '') { echo $form_fields[$this->img_fname]; echo "Invalid File format!!<br>\n"; exit; } } else { // otherwise, set img to nothing $form_fields[$this->img_fname] = ''; } } // Build INSERT Query $count = 1; $fcount = sizeof($form_fields); foreach ($form_fields as $key => $value) { if ($count == $fcount) { // END Field Names $field_names .= "$key"; // END Data $fields .= "'$value'"; } else { // Field Names $field_names .= "$key, "; // Data $fields .= "'$value', "; } $count++; } $query = "INSERT INTO $table ($field_names) VALUES($fields)"; //$this->query($query); db_query($query); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Edit Function // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // $table : table to edit data in. // // $form_fields : field values from the form // // $id : id of item to edit // /////////////////////////////////////////////// function edit($table,$form_fields,$id) { // Enter IF img_upload is enabled if ($this->img_upload == 1) { // If they uploaded an image, we need to remove the old one if applicable if ($form_fields[$this->img_fname] != 'none') { // Get old info from db $query = "SELECT $this->img_fname FROM $table WHERE id = '$id'"; $result = db_query($query); $result = db_fetch_array($result); if ($result[$this->img_fname] != '') { // Delete large image $full_path = $this->img_path . $result[$this->img_fname]; unlink($full_path); // Delete thumbnail $tmb_path = $this->img_path . "sm" . $result[$this->img_fname]; unlink($tmb_path); } // Do image functions to new image $form_fields[$this->img_fname] = $this->img_upload(); } if ($form_fields[$this->img_fname] == 'none') { unset ($form_fields[$this->img_fname]); } } // Make UPDATE query $count = 1; $fcount = sizeof($form_fields); foreach ($form_fields as $name => $value) { if ($count == $fcount) { // End Field Names $fields .= "$name='$value'"; } else { $fields .= "$name='$value', "; } $count++; } $query = "UPDATE $table SET $fields WHERE id = '$id'"; db_query($query); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delete Function // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // $table : table name to delete entry from // // $id : id of entry to delete // /////////////////////////////////////////////// function delete($table,$id) { // Enter IF img_up is true if ($this->img_upload == 1) { // Get old image name from DB $query = "SELECT $this->img_fname FROM $table WHERE id = '$id'"; $result = db_query($query); $result = db_fetch_array($result); // Delete large image and thumbnail if ($result[$this->img_fname] != '') { // Delete large image $full_path = $this->img_path . $result[$this->img_fname]; unlink($full_path); // Delete thumbnail $tmb_path = $this->img_path . "sm" . $result[$this->img_fname]; unlink($tmb_path); } } // Delete item from database $query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id='$id'"; db_query($query); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMAGE UPLOAD Function // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // No Arguments // /////////////////////////////////////////////// function img_upload() { global $HTTP_POST_FILES; $filename = $HTTP_POST_FILES['form_fields']['name'][$this->img_fname]; $filename_tmp = $HTTP_POST_FILES['form_fields']['tmp_name'][$this->img_fname]; $size = GetImageSize($filename_tmp); $img_type = $size[2]; if ($img_type != 2) { return false; } if ($img_unique == 1) { // Name Images unqiuely with UNIX time $filename_new = time() . ".jpg"; } else { // Keep original filename $filename_new = $filename; } if (is_uploaded_file($filename_tmp)) { $save_loc = $this->img_path . $filename_new; // Move the Uploaded file to the correct Directory move_uploaded_file($filename_tmp, $save_loc); chmod($save_loc, 0755); // Make and Save Thumbnail image $thumb_save_loc = $this->img_path . "sm" . $filename_new; $size = GetImageSize($save_loc); $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; $new_w = $width / 1.40; $new_h = $height / 1.40; $new_w = ceil($new_w); $new_h = ceil($new_h); $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($save_loc); $dst_img = imagecreate($new_w,$new_h); imagecopyresized($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$new_w,$new_h,imagesx($src_img),imagesy($src_img)); imagejpeg($dst_img, "$thumb_save_loc"); return $filename_new; } } } ?>