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File: build.php

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File: build.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHPF
Reformat PHP scripts according to code style
Author: By
Last change: Renamed phpfmt to phpF
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,322 bytes



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 * Variables
$srcRoot = __DIR__ . '/src';
$buildRoot = __DIR__ . '/build';

 * Bump version

if ( ! isset( $argv[1] ) ) {
'Provide a version number as argument' . PHP_EOL );

$version = $argv[1];

$file = file_get_contents( $srcRoot . '/phpf.php' );

file_put_contents( $srcRoot . '/phpf.php', preg_replace( "/define\( 'VERSION'\, '(.*?)' \)\;/", "define( 'VERSION', '$version' );", $file ) );

 * Build PHAR

$phar = new Phar( $buildRoot . '/phpf.phar',
FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME, 'myapp.phar' );

$phar['phpf.php'] = file_get_contents( $srcRoot . '/phpf.php' );

$phar->setStub( $phar->createDefaultStub( 'phpf.php' ) );

 * Generate READNE
$readme_src = file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/' );
$readme_out = __DIR__ . '/';

$testEnv = true;
$srcRoot . '/phpf.php';

$usage = '';
foreach (
getOptions( false ) as $k => $v ) {
$usage .= '| ' . $k . ' | ' . $v . " |\n";

$cmd = sprintf( 'php %s/phpf.php --list-simple', $srcRoot );
$passes = explode( PHP_EOL, trim( `$cmd` ) );
$passes = implode( PHP_EOL,
array_map( function ( $v ) {
' * ' . $v;
$passes )

file_put_contents( $readme_out,
strtr( $readme_src, [
'%USAGE%' => $usage,
'%PASSES%' => $passes,
    ] )