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File: browser.php

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  Classes of Andy Gajetzki   Another directory list class   browser.php   Download  
File: browser.php
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Class: Another directory list class
Yet another directory list class
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
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class filebrowser { /* File Browser Class by Andy Gajetzki Security problem - Since PHP is above any access restrictions it will read any directory. Eg. /cgi-bin/ If $dir has starting or trailing /, wont work Any comments/suggestions/flames $lisdirectory = new filebrowser; $lisdirectory->fmtdir("$argv[0]", $SERVER_NAME, $DOCUMENT_ROOT, $PHP_SELF); */ function fmtdir($dir,$SERVER_NAME,$DOCUMENT_ROOT,$PHP_SELF) { #some vars $linesep = "<br>"; $imagepath = "/icons"; ##Relative to http://localhost/ $homedir = "/projects/browser"; ##Reolative to http://localhost/ #strip trailing / in path $docroot = (substr($DOCUMENT_ROOT, 0, (strrpos($DOCUMENT_ROOT, "/")))); $path = "$docroot$dir"; $self = basename($PHP_SELF); ##Is the passed value a dir? If it is not, catch inf loop if (($validdir=is_dir($path)) == true) { ## One of those Home > Blah > Blah > . COuldnt get it to work. ##Its a directory, so... if ($dir == ""){ } ##Build directory tree else { } print("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); #sort dir / and fmt contents $handle=opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($handle)) $filelist[count($filelist)] = $file; sort($filelist); closedir($handle); clearstatcache (); for ($incr = 0; $incr < (sizeof($filelist)); $incr++) { $file = $filelist[$incr]; #stuff for images #make sure we determine image with last extension. eg. blah.ixml.php #Its very easy to add extra filetype's. $fileext=explode(".", $filelist[$incr]); if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) !== "DONTMATCHTHISPLEASEORELSE") {$image = "plain.gif";} if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "txt") {$image = "txt.gif";} if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "zip") {$image = "zip.gif";} if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "html") {$image = "html.gif";} if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "pdf") {$image = "pdf.gif"; } if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "ps") {$image = "ps.gif";} if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "php") {$image = "php.gif";} if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "gif") {$image = "gif.gif";} if (($fileext[(sizeof($fileext)) - 1]) == "jpg") {$image = "jpg.gif";} ##All is good, except "." and ".." showing, so away with them... ##Also, show directories as links to this class, so there not view with the browser. $doutput = " <tr><td width=\"1%\" align=\"left\"> <a href=\"$homedir/$self?$dir$file\"><img hspace=\"5\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" src=\"$imagepath/folder.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> <td width=\"33%\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"$homedir/$self?$dir/$file\">$file</a></td></td> <td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\" nowrap>&lt;DIR&gt; </td> <td width=\"5%\" align=\"right\">&nbsp;</td> <td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . (date('F j, Y, h:i a', (fileatime("$path/$file")))) . "</td> <td width=\"29%\" align=\"right\">&nbsp;</td> </tr>"; $foutput = " <tr><td width=\"1%\" align=\"left\"> <a href=\"$dir/$file\"><img hspace=\"5\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" src=\"$imagepath/$image\"" . " border=\"0\"></a> <td width=\"33%\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"$dir/$file\">$file</a></td></td> <td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\" nowrap> " . round((filesize("$path/$file") /1024)) . " kb </td> <td width=\"5%\" align=\"right\">&nbsp;</td> <td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . (date('F j, Y, h:i a', (fileatime("$path/$file")))) . " </td> <td width=\"29%\" align=\"right\">&nbsp;</td> </tr>"; $curfile = "$path/$file" ; if (($file !== ".") && ($file !== "..") && (($isitadir=is_dir($curfile)) == true)) print($doutput); if (($file !== ".") && ($file !== "..") && (($isitadir=is_file($curfile)) == true)) print($foutput); } print("</table>"); } else { print("Fail: Not a directory");} } }