Author: Manuel Lemos
Package: Laravel Markdown Blog
HTML is a natural format for defining blog content because Web pages use HTML to determine the page contents.
However, certain HTML tags may be insecure to allow blog post authors to submit content because a malicious author may use specific tags to steal private information from blog visitors.
Markdown is not as powerful as HTML in rendering content, but it is undoubtedly more secure because it does not support the same kind of tags HTML supports and can be insecure.
This package implements a blog system that allows authors to edit the post content in Markdown format, and then it displays that content on Web pages using regular HTML.
About the Laravel Markdown Blog Package
The package Laravel Markdown Blog is one of the few PHP packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.
The basic purpose is: Publish blog posts with content in Markdown format
Here follows in more detail what it does:
This package can publish blog posts with content in Markdown format.
It provides an application that uses the Laravel framework to provide a Web interface and an API to allow users to create, update, delete and view blog posts.
The blog posts editing pages allow the users to enter the post text in the Markdown format.
The application converts the posts to HTML before displaying the posts on Web pages.
The Laravel Markdown Blog can be downloaded from download page or be installed using the PHP Composer tool following instructions in the Composer install instructions page.
This package was considered notable for implementing its benefits in a way that is worth noticing.
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